Saturday, 1 March 2014

Review: Bumble & Bumble Sunday Shampoo.

Let's talk barnets. Mine has been in need of a deep cleanse for quite some time. I have one of those annoying hair types that 'gets used' to a product to the point where it no longer does anything for my hair, and rather than cleanse, it just sits and builds up on my head. Lovely. Just before Christmas I decided enough was enough and a clarifying shampoo to strip my hair of all that built up product was all that was missing from my life. Enter the Sunday Shampoo from Bumble & Bumble. 

This stuff has been a lifesaver. While it doesn't have a particularly pleasant smell (it smells almost clinical for reference) it strips my hair of everything, leaving it quite literally squeaky clean. I would recommend using a good conditioner or hair mask with this though, as being so clarifying can strip the hair of moisture as well as product residue! I have been using this once every couple of weeks since January and can safely say it has made all the difference with that pesky residue problem. 

At almost £20 for a 200ml bottle, it's not the most purse friendly of shampoos but I've found that I've barely made a dent in it, and I've been using it for two months! It's definitely worth the investment and I imagine this will last me the whole year... bargain really! I'm looking forward to seeing what else the brad has to offer... 

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